The Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business has been involved in Study Abroad for over a decade. During that time, faculty and students from the College of Business have visited 10 countries including Russia, Canada, England, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, and India. The plan for the May 2020 Study Abroad trip is Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. For May 2021, the college study abroad trip will include London, England, Paris, France, and Dublin, Ireland. This past summer, two different student groups traveled to Scandinavia and China.
Scandinavia: May 11, 2019 – May 21, 2019
Twenty students, along with Dr. Jeffry Babb, Dr. Robert King, and Dr. Anne Macy, traveled to Scandinavia to study business in Denmark and Sweden. During this trip, students visited many businesses including Ikea, Nordea, and Danish Shipping and enjoyed cultural experiences like Kronborg Castle, Tivoli Gardens, and a historical maritime museum called Vasa.
Video produced by Media Minds, a Student Organization in the Engler College of Business. For more information about Media Minds, e-mail Dr. Heidi Huntington or call 806-651-2765.
Click on the images below to see captions.
China: June 2, 2019 – June 13, 2019
Dr. King and four WT graduate students met for the first time in the Beijing for a Study Abroad trip in China. This was the first time that the Paul & Virginia Engler College of Business traveled to this region so the trip was coordinated and led by International Business Seminars (IBS). IBS coordinates study abroad trips with multiple universities so Dr. King and the four WT students traveled with students from five other universities. During their ten days in China, the group visited the U.S. Embassy, EY (Ernst & Young), UPS, and Grant Thornton with cultural trips to explore the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Tienanmen Square, the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, and Old Shanghai. It is interesting to note that the WT students that participated in this trip have never been on the WT campus and take their courses online via WTClass. Click on the images below to see captions.
For more information about future Study Abroad opportunities in the Engler College of Business, e-mail Dr. Robert King or call 806-651-4002.