Eating Out

One of the great American pastimes is the picnic. Even if it’s in the depths of Texas summer and a little bit toasty, we just adapt, dress appropriately, and find some shade.

To that end, the COB has had two picnics already this academic year. On Friday August 18, the College welcomed incoming freshmen who were busy engaging in Buff Branding activities before classes started. All told, there were 159 new students who indicated their desire to be a Business major. The gathering was held in the pedestrian mall just south of the clock tower.

Faculty and staff played a big role in this picnic, though, as it was a golden opportunity to meet the people with whom they will be interacting later in their academic careers. Since many of our Business majors do not take many (or even any) of our courses until they are juniors, it is important for these new Buffs to at least make some connections within the COB now.

The second picnic of the semester was held on Saturday September 23 to the south of Old Main, and was for faculty, administration, staff, and their families. The annual affair celebrates good times and interactions, along with fun and games for kids and parents alike. 

More than anything, the COB picnics allow folks to step away from the rigors of their jobs, relax, and socialize, with each other and with our incoming students.