Howe Awarded Promotion And Tenure

Perhaps the most important event in a professor’s life is achieving tenure. It is a vote of confidence from among peers and administrators that, in the words of a former administrator at WT, means you are “top shelf.”

Dr. David Howe is the most recent among the College of Business faculty to be granted tenure, as well as promotion to Associate Professor of Management.  These actions were ratified by all levels of university review committees and individuals, as well as at the A&M System level. 

Interestingly, Howe had no plans to pursue anything beyond a Bachelor’s degree. He was more interested in employment, and actually worked full-time while going to school. But he soon became self-aware that he had not gotten enough education to pursue his life goals. “I got an MBA, and realized that I kind of liked it. So I kept going.” 

Howe was born in Chicago, raised in Texas, and educated in Utah. He earned his undergraduate and MBA degrees at Brigham Young University, and PhD at University of Utah. He considers himself a teacher more than anything, which makes him a fine fit for the College of Business, where teaching is the most-valued trait of a faculty member. ”I’m a competent researcher, but I have a passion for teaching,” he added.

Between his Bachelor’s and MBA degrees, Howe worked for a couple of Fortune 500 companies, then transitioned to a consulting firm in the Seattle area. It was at this time he knew that he had to return to school. But it was his variety of work experiences that left an impression on him, because today he loves the variety he faces as a faculty member. “I love the opportunity to morph and evolve.”

And that is certainly true in the breadth of Howe’s teaching portfolio, which includes courses in Leadership, Principles of Management, Negotiation at both the BBA and MBA levels, Small Business Management, and Strategic Implementation. 

Howe is thankful to be back in Texas, and specifically at WT. “I’ve not been to a school that is more beautiful and well-put together than WT,” he remarked. He sees himself staying for a long time, and by virtue of being granted tenure, that is now his privilege to enjoy.

On the top shelf, of course.