Sage Advice: Dean’s Business Executive Advisory Board

Among the fundamental strengths of the Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business is its strong ties to the business community. The proper nurturing of the resources that build this strength is a top priority for the College. We are proud to regularly seek the counsel of our Business Executive Advisory Board, a representative group of key stakeholders which provide a critical and requisite component for continued success. The board constitutes a key and imperative voice of sage advice for the college, for all steps of our strategic planning, execution, and continued development. The Business Executive Advisory Board is composed of alumni, industry and business leaders, and local government officials. This group meets at least once per long semester to review and deliberate on the challenges and opportunities facing the college. This group is well-positioned to provide the exogenous perspective that provides essential feedback, used to assist in calibrating our course, and correcting when necessary. This Fall, the Business Executive Advisory Board met in October and reviewed the Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business strategic plan. With this in mind, the discussion ranged on focus areas to enhance the College’s impact on the community. Potential areas of focus included curricula in cybersecurity, women in the business workforce, opportunities to enhance the Texas Panhandle as a logistics hub, and overall workforce development.

In 2022, the board will proceed with focused subteams to provide additional insight and recommendations to the college. We expect that outcomes of their activities – insights, recommendations, and initiatives – will provide the college the additional perspective continuous improvement in service to the needs of our stakeholders. Whether it be the observations on the business curriculum, internship opportunities, business issues to focus faculty research, or articulations of emerging trends in business, we are confident that our Business Executive Advisory Board will continue to provide invaluable input to the College. As we conclude 2021, we would like to honor and thank those who serve on our Business Executive Advisory Board: we can’t do what we do without them.

Top row left to right: Gary Jensen, Quinn Alexander, Tarek Naguib, Kevin Carter
2nd row left to right: David Hudson, Paul Harpole, Gary Molberg
3rd row left to right: J. Pat Richmond, David Terry, Alex Hanson
4th row left to right: Sonja Clark, Will Miller, Steve Stockton
Bottom row left to right: Magali Alvarado, David Prescott, Amjad Abdullat