Howe Awarded Promotion And Tenure

Perhaps the most important event in a professor’s life is achieving tenure. It is a vote of confidence from among peers and administrators that, in the words of a former administrator at WT, means you are “top shelf.” Dr. David Howe is the most recent among the College of Business faculty to be granted tenure, as well as promotion to Associate Professor of Management.  These actions were ratified by all levels of university review committees and individuals, as well as at the A&M System level.  Interestingly, Howe had no plans to pursue anything beyond a Bachelor’s degree. He was more interested in employment, and actually worked full-time while going to school. But he soon became self-aware that he had not gotten enough education to pursue his life goals. “I got an MBA, and realized that I kind of liked it. So I kept going.”  Howe was born in Chicago, raised... Read more

No Horsing Around

Rodeos are a way of life for many in West Texas. Ranch life turned into a competition, they are common events on the High Plains. WT even has a rodeo team, a reflection of the local and regional culture. What is uncommon, though, is having a national rodeo champion among your ranks. Quade Hiatt, a Marketing major and 2023 graduate, added that to his resumé this last June at the College National Finals Rodeo when he was named Men’s All-Around Champ. The event was held in Casper Wyoming. Hiatt scored 365 points, which was more than triple that of the nearest competitor. He took second in team roping, and fourth in tie-down roping. While Hiatt demonstrates versatility across rodeo events, his primary skills are in calf roping. The Canyon native has now turned professional, and finds himself on the road for what is a nearly year-long occupation. He recently returned... Read more

From Hawaii, With Love

It is always admirable to finish what you started, even if life intervenes for a long time. But it is even more admirable when, once you resume what you started, you realize there’s so much more to accomplish above and beyond what you had originally begun. Such is the story of Erika Cedillos, MBA student and Texas native, who lives on the Big Island of Hawaii. Cedillos had begun her undergraduate degree years ago, but then started a family. It would be many years before she could contemplate returning to academia, but once she did, she found that a Bachelor’s degree wasn’t enough. That’s when she set her sights on the MBA. She plans to graduate next May, and this year was awarded the Stanley Schaeffer Excellence in Business Scholarship As a single Mom putting her three children through college as well, the $3600 scholarship was very helpful. Cedillos works... Read more

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

One of the best ways to broaden one’s horizons is through travel, and especially foreign travel. To that end, the College of Business has been committed to offering Study Abroad trips on a regular basis. They provide students and faculty alike a chance to experience other cultures, sampling food, beverage, and different norms and expectations along the way. This year the COB hosted a trip to central Europe, specifically to Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Dr. Robert A. King, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, and Dr. Anne Barthel, Associate Professor of Economics and Decision Management and the Hodges Professor of Business, served as faculty leaders of 14 students. The trip was held in the latter half of May immediately following Spring commencement exercises. Highlights of the trip included visiting the Bundesbank, a brewery, the Salzburg Salt Mine, traveling by rail throughout the trip, and Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps. Language was... Read more