Listen and Read!

The Engler College of Business extends its reach far beyond the traditional and online classroom. Anyone can tap in to the brilliant minds among our faculty, as well as guest speakers.

ProfSpeak, launched in Fall 2021, serves up a different blog every Monday. Written by a team of professors who love to put their knowledge and research findings into accessible, understandable prose that take only a few minutes to read. From tax advice to marketing, management, law, and more, we’ve got you covered with a smorgasbord of topics that will keep you up to date. Find it at

And then there’s our podcast, BuffSpeak. Our goal is to bring thought leaders from both inside and outside of the university to a common microphone. Host Dr. Nick Gerlich probes the minds of these movers and shakers, from professors to entrepreneurs, managers of non-profits, and more. These longer-format listens (think 45-60 minutes) allow for a topic to be explored more fully.

Launched in September 2022, there are 22 episodes that have been released thus far, with another three already “in the can” for summer release. In addition to easy listens while driving or working out, we are finding professors are using them as guest speakers, as well as for engaging exam questions.

Tune in at, or find it on Spotify and Apple Music.