Faculty Spotlight – Ms. Karen Cooley

If there is one faculty member who epitomizes the persona of the teaching professor, it is Karen Cooley. She joined the faculty in 1997, and although she had prior employment experience in auditing in Dallas and as a tax manager here in the Panhandle, she has never looked back. Teaching, as it turned out, was her strong suit and passion.

And she has the awards to prove it, including winning the 2022 Engler COB Teaching Excellence Award. Loved by her students for her instructional abilities, fairness, and friendliness, Ms. Cooley motivates her students to go the extra mile. In fact, Ms. Cooley has gone those extra miles herself. An avid runner and former Boston Marathon participant, she knows the value of hard work and training. She has taken what she learned from running, and made it her work ethic as well.


00:00 – Introduction and Ms. Cooley’s favorite class to teach

01:04 – How to go from Intro courses to intermediate courses

02:09 – How Ms. Cooley has “perfected” her teaching style

03:42 – What is unique to Ms. Cooley’s classroom

04:41 – How Ms. Cooley motivates students

05:51 – Ms. Cooley’s best piece of advice for students

06:37 – Ms. Cooley’s hobbies and interests

07:12 – A person that impacted Ms. Cooley’s life the most

08:28 – General advice from Ms. Cooley